
Who Am I

Hello world!

Welcome to my little corner in cyberspace. My name is Steve Lee and I am 29 looking great with a tan.  Haha! I mean I thought I try to fill my time with blogging and writing. I have been told that my writing's sux big time but I don't really believe them. Well, what's good writing is subjective anyway. I think with a lil bit of discipline, I should be fine and a blog ain't literature anyway.  

Well, I am in consultancy, not the most interesting job ever. But that's what I did after leaving cold and boring New Zealand to pursue my studies in Business Admin. I missed Kiwiland and I do miss the Middle earth landscape but somehow after Lords of the Rings, I am just not very much into that anymore. I live with my parents for the time being. I play the playstation, read a little, watch movies, go out sometimes to meet some friends downtown, jog and I do hit the gym from time to time.

Well, the real reason for writing this blog was because I had always wanted to be a writer but never actually pursued it. So, I thought I try my hand in it right now and you never know what a little hobby can bring you right? 

PS: That's really me in the picture... That's not an ex-soccer player. That guy just look like me. That's just me if you are wondering. ; )

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