
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pope resigning...

Oh god! Chinese New Year is over! Thank Buddha. I think all the eating and visiting of relatives and friends are all over and behind. Work life resumes with not much fanfare. My Japanese managing director surprised me with an angpao. I didn't think he would actually embrace was is essentially a Chinese custom.

Anyway, I am not sure if you have heard but people are talking a lot about the pope resigning. I am not Christian and this hardly concern me but the thing is that the Catholic Church apparently has a prediction that the next pope is going to be the last. The last one before Armageddon. Well, this sounds very interesting to me because the church is rocked by scandal of horny priest molesting altar boys for years. Recently, Italy is investigating the Vatican for a long-held allegation of money laundering. All this plus the huge scandal with the Cardinal of Ireland embroiled in a 'inappropriate behavior' has probably made the pope 'wash his hands' and avoid any responsibility. What it is, the next pope would have to clean up these longstanding issues. It is not going to be easy. Perhaps all this is a sign that everything is winding down for the church. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's this year...

Well, I can't believe it but I am alone this Valentine's day. I have never been alone since high school. The worse thing is that all my friends are either going out on a date or already engaged. My parents have something going on and I am all alone. I wonder if its a sign of my age? Perhaps... I should just go down to the pub for a drink and pick up someone tomorrow? I dunno. Maybe I should just grab some cheap beers from 7-eleven and go home to playstation and some movies maybe. Let's have a look at the movie listings? Beautiful creatures looks like an interesting horror movie.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tok Chang! Tok Chang! New Year with a New blog!

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

It's the new year of the snake now and I am 27 this year. You know what? I actually have a love-hate relationship with the New Year's. I think everybody else does too. Nobody likes the crowds at the malls and the mad rush to buy and put up gaudy red decorations all over. On top of that, can you actually stand the blaring Chinese New Year songs as they play over and over every year? Come on lah! This kiasuness to get people to crowd shopping malls to shop and shop is really too much. So much for the hate.

For the like, well, the only thing is the little red packets I receive from aunties and uncles that wonders aloud when I am going to get married to my girlfriend. The answer is always the same, I have to ask which one because I just switched girlfriends. Haha! Well, I can't really tell them the truth right? Anyway, this year, I decided I needed more time for myself and I really need to rethink my career prospects soon.

The other good thing is that I started this blog as inspired by my uncle. He came and gave me a big fat $100 dollar angpao although he's not married. Sometimes, I think he's gay and I have always think that but I have no proof. I did try to explain to him about Dorje Shugden once but he didn't seemed to be interested although he's Buddhist.

However, I do feel like I am writing/talking to myself for now. But that's ok. 

Tok Chang! Tok Chang! New Year with a New blog!

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

It's the new year of the snake now and I am 27 this year. You know what? I actually have a love-hate relationship with the New Year's. I think everybody else does too. Nobody likes the crowds at the malls and the mad rush to buy and put up gaudy red decorations all over. On top of that, can you actually stand the blaring Chinese New Year songs as they play over and over every year? Come on lah! This kiasuness to get people to crowd shopping malls to shop and shop is really too much. So much for the hate.

For the like, well, the only thing is the little red packets I receive from aunties and uncles that wonders aloud when I am going to get married to my girlfriend. The answer is always the same, I have to ask which one because I just switched girlfriends. Haha! Well, I can't really tell them the truth right? Anyway, this year, I decided I needed more time for myself and I really need to rethink my career prospects soon.

The other good thing is that I started this blog as inspired by my uncle. He came and gave me a big fat $100 dollar angpao although he's not married. Sometimes, I think he's gay and I have always think that but I have no proof. I did try to explain to him about Dorje Shugden once but he didn't seemed to be interested although he's Buddhist.

However, I do feel like I am writing/talking to myself for now. But that's ok.