
Friday, April 12, 2013

Dorje Shugden in Bodhgaya

I posted this on the forum a few months ago and I recently rediscovered it on the forum and I thought I blog about this as well to keep it for posterity sake. I might do something like this in Singapore... well discreetly-la! 

For New Years 2013 this year, I went on a pilgrimage to Bodhgaya, the land of Buddha's enlightenment. Just prior to flying, I had just received a whole shipment of Dorje Shugden comic books from the eShop. At the stupa, I managed to make a lot of offerings, prayers, prostrations and mantras at the Stupa. While circumambulating, I had a sudden thought. 

I went back and discreetly brought the comics along with me and went on a distribution round by quietly offering the comic books to some of the pilgrims there. I even managed to capture the couple, reading the comic book right after they finished their meditation. On top of that, I managed to perform a whole Dorje Shugden puja every time I went to the Stupa. I love coming to Bodhgaya and would from time to time travel to Bodhgaya with some friends for pilgrimage.

PS: If you are the person in the picture, do drop a message to let me know if you read the comic or not. ; ) Thank you. 

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