
Friday, April 5, 2013

Dorje Shugden practitioners not allowed into Gaden Tripa's teaching!

The current 102nd Gaden Tripa Kyabje Rizong Sras Rinpoche is coming to Malaysia at the end of next month to lead a Lamrim retreat. A colleague of mine emailed me this interesting flyer a few days back. I have always wanted to engage in a Lamrim retreat and well, a lamrim teaching beforehand of course. So, I got a little excited about this proposition and everything was fine until I read the fine print of the rules and regulations. Guess what I saw?....

Dorje Shugden practitioners are not allowed to participate. 

I can't believe my eyes! I read about this happening within the Tibetan community in India but I would not think that they would actually do this in this part of the world! This is the first time for me and I must say I am very disappointed. This is clearly discrimination of the highest order and they have no right to enforce this. After all, this is the Gaden Tri Rinpoche and not the Dalai Lama. WHY do they need to enforce such an stupid ban? On what basis do they have the right to enforce this ban?

You know, the Gaden Tripa is such an eminent master, shouldn't they allow everybody in including practitioners of Dorje Shugden. If Gaden Tripa recites prayers and dedicates to all sentient being, I am a sentient being too, right? I should be allowed to receive teachings because the spirits and ghosts are allowed in to be blessed by the lama and the teachings. Why not me and others like me? If Dorje Shugden practice is so bad and evil, shouldn't we be allowed in even more? Shouldn't we be showed even more compassion? 

It would be cool if I could go and protest right in front of the teaching but it wouldn't be powerful if its just me alone and I am Singaporean. I am not sure if the Malaysian police would be too happy if I did that. 

PS: The above line was taken from the registration information and rules column of their website:-

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