
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Qing Ming - All Soul's Day

Over the weekend, I followed my parents back to Malaysia to visit the grave site of my dad's ancestors in Kuala Lumpur. I don't normally follow but I had some time to kill so I followed and to also see my Malaysian relatives, which I have not seen in the longest time.

Qing Ming is quite a popular practice of visiting and paying respects at the grave site of a patriarch or matriarch of the family. We did it early in the morning and it took a longest time to reach the grave site which was out of Kuala Lumpur. I can't remember the name right now but all I remember it took the longest time to reach. We took some time to clean up the weeds and then placed some colored notes on top of the tomb, which was held down by a stone. Then, we had a sort of picnic with the dead. The only thing was only the dead ate and the rest of us just drank Yeo's packet drinks to keep hydrated.

I didn't manage to take pictures but I saw some really cool vintage photos on the Straits Times website, which I thought I shared here. These were photos taken during the 1950s and were done in lavish style in the earlier days.

I am guessing this was a funerary procession for a rich family towards a family grave.

A modest Chinese family tombstone.

Now, this is a rich man's tomb that is big enough to accommodate family members.

This is the only picture I had and well, it was not really nice because it's a shot of my aunties behinds. Hehe! 

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