
Monday, April 29, 2013

What's on my shopping list...

I am this hedonistic fella and I have been thinking of getting a Prada bag like this one for work. I really like this one with the army fatigues that was a few seasons back. Most Singaporean guys my age wouldn't appreciate it because it reminds them of national service but I don't care, its real cool. But anyway, its just too bad because they don't have this anymore. 

Laduree flew from Paris and set up shop in Ngee Ann City on orchard I heard. Those yummy macarons are now available at a crazy $3.80 per macaron. Well, the last time I strolled over to Ngee Ann was a long time ago but what the heck, I might try going there this weekend. I have a sweet tooth especially after a workout. Wish the packaging was not so girly though. 

After Yong He Gong in Beijing, I am really inspired to invite a Lama Tsongkhapa statue. I read on the net that Lama Tsongkhapa is particularly powerful blessing to ensure harmony of the family and stability of livelihood at home. Will take one of those strolls to Fu Lu Shou to check out the shops there. I heard they do have quite a good selection of Tibetan statues. 

I know I have a strange mix of hedonism and spirituality on my shopping list. That's just very much like me, a spiritual hedonist! A sort of paradox. ; P

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